Things to Keep In Mind While Hiring Floor Scrubber Machine
The holiday season never fails to showcase beautiful decorations, catchy tunes, pristine white snow and family time around the Christmas tree. In the retail world, the magic of the season is usually drowned out by the sound of bustling shoppers and constantly reshelving. Perhaps this holiday season all you can think about is the volume of traffic in your storefront and pair after pair of winter boots leaving trails of wet snow on your new floors.
It is no secret that this time of year requires most retailers to hire additional short-term staff to cover the demands of increased shopping. However, a detail that is not so often thought of is putting more effort into your floor cleaning efforts to keep your shop as desirable and safe for shoppers as possible.
Out of urge and frustration, some retail managers make an impulse decision to buy a new, top-of-the-line floor cleaning machine to take care of their floor mess problems once and for all. But while having a new, high-quality machine is nice, hiring a machine for one month each year saves you a significant amount of money and makes sense for a few other reasons as well:
You already have your floor cleaning covered for the other 11 months of the year.
Why drop thousands of Euros on a new or used scrubber-dryer machine when your existing stock of cleaning machines and supplies work perfectly well for more than 90% of the year? Instead, you can maintain your floors at a much less expense and avoid monthly payments.
Find the perfect fit.
If you start renting one machine, like a floor burnisher, and quickly realize you need something that offers drying options, you can return your hired machine and exchange it for a different model. You can try out as many models as you like until you find the one that is the perfect fit for the high-traffic needs of your store. If you don't know where to start, pick one and try it out for a week. Then use another for another week. Take note of the differences in functionality and cost, and when the time comes next year, you'll know exactly which machine to hire.
Hiring is Risk-Free
If your Floor Scrubber Rentals breaks or malfunctions due to normal wear and tear, you are not liable to fix it. Instead of shelling out the amount of an hourly employee's paycheck for parts and repair, you can trade it in for a functioning machine and let someone else deal with the repair costs.
Making big decisions during a time of high stress like the holiday season is difficult and clouded by all the other little worries you have to deal with. Deciding to hire a floor cleaning machine instead of purchasing one takes one decision off your list, and since it is a virtually risk-free option, you can rest easy knowing your floors are taken care of, freeing up your mind to deal with bigger factors relating to your business.
For More Info:- industrial floor cleaning machines rental